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Recent times have been characterized by crises and disruptions caused by global pandemics, inner and cross-national conflicts, and local movements stemming from historical discordances rooted in social inequality. These disruptions bear the imprint of a burgeoning political, cultural, racial, ethnic and gender awareness, as well as the concern towards the appreciation of linguistic diversity. Language, art and social manifestations serve the purpose of expression and agency for the required transformations.  


Under these circumstances, the School of Language Sciences, the Master's Degree in Interlinguistic and Intercultural Studies, and the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Education from Universidad del Valle are pleased to invite you to the Third International Symposium on Interlinguistic and Intercultural Contacts: “Disruptions, dialogues and social, interlinguistic and intercultural agency”, which will be held from November 10th to 12th in virtual modality. The Symposium provides space to share and reflect on research and pedagogical experiences about intercultural communication and interlinguistic contacts in diverse contexts, and various communal practices that transform the traditionally oppressive social realities. 


The Symposium gathers the national and international academic community and communal workgroups around issues concerning multilingualism, language policies, translation/interpretation and terminology, and language development and teaching processes from an intercultural perspective, engaged with social justice. 

International guest speakers



Boaventura de Sousa Santos
University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Las epistemologias del sur: ignorancia esclarecida, ecologias de saberes y traducción intercultural como herramientas para la justicia cognitiva

Doctor in Sociology of Law from Yale University, director of the Center for Social Studies and April 25 Documentation Center of the University of Coimbra, distinguished professor at the Institute for Legal Studies of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has published works on globalization, sociology of law, epistemology, democracy and human rights.


Muriel Molinié
The New Sorbonne University (France)

Conscience plurilingue et expérience du pouvoir émancipateur des arts et sciences sociobiographiques

Professor and researcher at the New Sorbonne University. She is an expert in teaching French and foreign languages. Her research in the teaching of languages and cultures implements a multi-referential theoretical framework, which aims to understand the identity negotiations experienced by plurilingual/pluricultural subjects in educational or training situations, considering their family and socio-historical record, contexts and projects.


Chelo Vargas
University of Alicante (Spain)

Recursos terminológicos multilingües y abiertos para la visibilidad de los problemas de salud de las mujeres:
la colección WEALTH

Professor of the Department of English Philology at the University of Alicante and founding member and academic secretary of the Interuniversity Institute of Modern Applied Languages. Her research career is characterized by interdisciplinary nature, and it is structured around three central areas: terminology applied to translation, corpus linguistics and specialty languages, and translation technologies.


Leonardo Peluso
University of the Republic (Uruguay)

Escritura, audio y videograbaciones
en las actuales culturas letradas 

Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of the Republic of Uruguay. His research revolves around language, intercultural studies and studies on deaf people. His works are related to social inclusion, identity and diversity.


Multilingüismo e internacionalización

Doctor en Lingüística en la Universidad Estatal de Campinas (Brasil). Datos biográficos: Profesor asociado de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil) y Secretario Ejecutivo Interino de MAAYA - Red Mundial de Multilingüismo, con sede en París. Coordinador General de la Cátedra UNESCO en Políticas Lingüísticas para el Multilingüismo. Investiga las diferentes facetas del multilingüismo

 Gilvan Muller de Oliveira
 Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil)

National guest speakers



Carlo Granados
Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA (Colombia).

Hol holds a degree in Spanish and Languages from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, a Master in Applied  Linguistics from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, a Master in British Cultural Studies and English Teaching from University of Warwick, and Doctorate in Education from Universidad de Santo Tomás. He is a full-time professor and coordinator of the linguistics area of the BA Program in Spanish-English Bilingual Education at the Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA.

Six criteria for becoming a
critical intercultural teacher


José Ramón Álvarez
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)

Procesos de creación de neologismos para la expansión léxica
de la lengua wayuu

He is a retired professor from the University of Zulia, where he ran linguistics chairs and directed research on indigenous languages. He is currently an assistant professor at the School of Language Sciences at the Universidad del Valle, where he teaches different areas of Linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax) and continues researching indigenous languages. He has been a speaker at various national and international academic events and cooperates permanently in Bilingual Intercultural Education (Wayuu, Pemón, Añú, Wotjüja and Jiwi peoples).



  • Interculturality in language teaching, learning and assessment

Proposals in this theme are related to the teaching, development and assessment of intercultural communicative competences and the intercultural dimension. It also includes proposals on didactic and curricular approaches that integrate interculturality and literature. 



  • Interlinguistic contacts and multilingualism 

This theme includes aspects of multilingual contacts at the individual and social level, regardless of the modality, whether vocal-auditory or visual-gestural. The theme also includes other aspects of communication for deafblind individuals, tactile gestural systems, Tadoma and new technologies with typhlotechnical adaptations.  


  • Interculturality in translation and terminology

This theme comprises reflections on aspects of contact between languages, such as language transfer and translation/interpretation difficulties related to cultural, semiotic and linguistic aspects.


  • Interculturality and language policy 

This theme focuses on diverse matters of language policy and planning, and interlinguistic and intercultural relationships between majority and minoritized cultural groups.  


  • Interculturality and citizenship 

This theme comprises the relations between citizenship education and interculturality, intercultural mediation and conflict resolution in mobility-related contexts, intranational and international, among others.


  • Research methodologies for interlinguistic and intercultural studies

This theme is proposed as cross-cutting, aimed at sharing and reflecting on the varied research methodologies and data collection methods and analyses used in interlinguistic and intercultural studies.

Directed to


  • Communal workgroups

  • Government and state officials

  • Management staff of educational institutions

  • Researchers

  • University professors

  • School teachers

  • Undergraduate and graduate students




Papers (30 minutes): state-of-the-art presentations, theoretical reflections, partial and final results of research, and educational, pedagogical or community experiences.  Maximum three speakers.


Workshops (1 hour):  presentations followed by a practical activity with participants, oriented towards the didactics or the practical resolution of professional practice issues.  Maximum three speakers. 


Book presentations (1 hour). Socialization of books published between 2018 and 2022 on topics related to the Symposium. Speakers present and discuss the volume, its origin, organization and content. The number of speakers varies depending on the number of authors. 


Panel discussions (2 hours): a group of academics present and discuss a topic related to the themes of the Symposium. Presenters share their experiences or research and discuss their points of view with the public during the session. The academic organizer is in charge of convening the other panel members, proposing and coordinating the panel. Maximum 6 panelists. 


Posters sessions (15 minutes): visual presentations of ongoing or finished research, socialization of research proposals, theoretical discussions or pedagogical, educational or community experiences.

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Proposals will be received in Spanish, Indigenous Colombian languages, Colombian Sign Language, English, French and Portuguese. 

Languages of presentation
Submit your proposal
Pre-symposium semiars


In addition to the Third International Virtual Symposium, we will offer pre-symposium workshops. The pre-symposium workshops will be face-to-face and will take place at Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia). Each workshop will last six hours, spread over two days: Tuesday, November 8 and Wednesday, November 9, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Places are limited. The onsite pre-symposium workshops have a separate cost. Here is the list of workshops:

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Leonardo Peluso
Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Hacia una educación plurilingüe y pluriletrada.
Una revisión en el marco de las políticas educativas hacia la comunidad sorda que se llevan
a cabo en Colombia y Uruguay


El taller propone un espacio de intercambio entre sus diversos participantes en torno a la educación de los sordos y a las políticas lingüísticas que se llevan adelante en Colombia y Uruguay. Para la realización de este intercambio, se presentarán y discutirán, por un lado, los conceptos: escritura, grabación, textualidad diferida, cultura letrada y plurilingüismo. Por otro lado, se analizarán los procesos metodológicos que se han llevado adelante en ambos países en relación a la educación de los sordos y a la enseñanza de lengua; así como también las políticas lingüísticas que se desprenden de ambas legislaciones.


Carlo Granados
Institución Universitaria
Colombo Americana - ÚNICA (Colombia).

Bringing critical interculturality
to life in the ELT classroom


Aproximaciones a las modalidades direccionadas por diferencias individuales
e interculturales en el texto argumentativo

 Many Colombian scholars have shifted their attention to the decolonial turn as a line of thought that can enrich the field of English Language Learning and Teaching in the country. Within the decolonial turn, the concept of Critical Interculturality, proposed by Walsh (2005, 2009), has emerged as key in disrupting common language teaching practices. This six-hour workshop aims to share some ideas about how different pedagogies, methodologies, and tasks can be articulated with the purpose of translating decolonial theory into classroom practices. The sessions also have as purpose showing language educators that many of the activities that they implement in classes can be made critical and decolonial, or even better, that they are already of this kind.


Esta propuesta de taller busca brindar a los asistentes herramientas teóricas y prácticas en torno al análisis de las modalidades, en términos lingüístico-discursivos, reconociendo el papel de las diferencias individuales e interculturales en el texto argumentativo escrito, entendiendo la escritura como práctica social. Los conceptos aplicados en este taller servirán de insumo a los asistentes para fortalecer su praxis pedagógica, particularmente el análisis escritural en el aula de clase, reconociendo cómo el autor del texto valida o invalida las representaciones de las realidades desde lo objetivo, lo subjetivo, lo institucional y lo moral. Igualmente, estos procesos de reflexión pueden motivar ejercicios de investigación en el quehacer docente.


 Approche biographique et
création multimodale

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Muriel Molinié

 Cet atelier comporte trois volets: 1- Acquérir une culture professionnelle dans le domaine : nous survolerons les théories qui fondent l’approche sociobiographique en DDL, laquelle parait désormais incontournable pour accompagner la reconnaissance du plurilinguisme individuel, familial et social dans la communauté éducative. 2- S’approprier une démarche de création multimodale : l’approche sociobiographique repose sur des pratiques plurielles et pluri-artistiques auxquelles chacun pourra s’initier en survolant les contenus du MOOC Comprendre les dimensions interculturelles au quotidien. Chacun sera invité à esquisser son propre projet d’œuvre sociobiographique sur le thème : comment suis-je devenu/e enseignant/e ? plurilingue ? via quelles rencontres et expériences interculturelles ? 3- Contextualiser : après avoir discuté des projets qui mettent en œuvre l’approche sociobiographique, chacun sera invité à esquisser d’autres transpositions didactiques de cette approche, en contexte.





Presenters - Virtual Symposium

Attendees - Virtual Symposium

Participants - On-site Pre-symposium Workshops

Registration fee until October 11

Registration fee from October 12

150.000 (COP)

150.000 (COP)

200.000 (COP)

200.000 (COP)

250.000 (COP)

200.000 (COP)

See steps for payment

Important dates


  • Virtual Symposium: November 10th, 11th and 12th, 2022.

  • On-site Pre-symposium Workshops: November 8th and 9th, 2022.

  • Extended date to submit proposals: September 30th.

  • Acceptance of proposals outcome: October 10th. 

  • Early registration payment: October 11, 2022.

organizing committee


  1. Norbella Miranda

  2. Alexánder Ramírez

  3. Martha Berdugo

  4. Carlos Mayora

  5. José A. Álvarez

  6. Liz Rincón 

  7. María E. Guapacha 

  8. Diana Patiño 

  9. Omaira Vergara 

  10. Alejandro Fernández 

  11. Claudia Ortiz 

  12. Mónica Carvajal

  13. Andrés Bernal 

  14. Fanny Hernández 

  15. Sol Colmenares 

  16. Irina Kostina


  1. José A. Álvarez V. 

  2. Fabio Arismendi

  3. Sol Colmenares

  4. Yamith Fandiño

  5. Alejandro Fernández 

  6. Robinson Grajales 

  7. María E. Guapacha

  8. Fanny Hernández

  9. Irina Kostina

  10. Gladys Lopez

  11. Norbella Miranda

  12. Martha Isabel Muelas

  13. Claudia Ortiz

  14. Diana Patiño

  15. Luz Mary Quintero

  16. Alexander Ramírez

  17. Liz Rincón

  18. Nayibe Rosado

  19. Liana Torres

  20. Lionel Tovar

  21. Omaira Vergara

  22. Jhon Viafara 

  23. Catalina Jaramillo

  24. Claudia Cárdenas

  25. Hans Humberto Oviedo

  26. Jeff Arias 

  27. Janeth Ortiz

  28.  Ximena Bonilla

  29. Tatiana Becerra

  30. Andrés Potes

  31. Pablo Acosta

  32. Angela Castro

  33. Monica Carvajal 



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